Tuesday, December 15, 2009

More Info on Meters and Low Pressure

Here is more information from the contractor:

We have 29 meters installed as of last night. We are starting on 316th this morning with the services that are currently being served off of 314th. These will have to be dug up to and around the houses and will take some time. We hope to get two or three done a day. We still hope to catch up from the week of cold frozen weather and have things completed by Christmas.

As for the low pressure, all indications are that there may be broken pipes beyond the meters/shut-offs, we are not finding any issues on the main side of the shut-offs. We did some research during the cold spell and found good pressure at the meter/shut-offs but the house would have no water indicating a frozen line on the private side of the system. Continued low pressure, now that the frost is out, tells me there is in fact a cracked line on the private side. If there are multiple leaks on the private side this would cause lower pressure throughout the system. Our meter connections only effect the particular house we may be hooking up and not the whole system.

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