Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Freezing Delays with Cristalina.

I just recieved the following note from the contactor,

Maria/Dick, we had a ball valve freeze and break, causing a temporary loss of pressure, we have fixed those issues but due to the continued cold weather it has been difficult to assemble the setters and make the connections before everything freezes. We’ve decided to hold off on trying to make additional connection and risk an extended interruption in service until the weather warms above freezing. We’ll continue to monitor the system daily throughout this cold period to make sure there are no problems with the system. The work on the generator will continue and according to the forecast we should be able to continue connection on Mon. Our plan is still to complete all the hookups prior to Christmas. I’ll let you know when the gen set is operational.

Now you know, exactly what Dick and I know....I am sorry about the cold weather delay, and am praying we don't have any more frozen pipes and valves. Thanks for hanging in there!!!

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