Sunday, September 29, 2013

Blog Technical Help requested...

I am being told that people are not getting the blog post emailed to them.  I am not sure why because I was told that if someone subscribed to the blog they would get an email when there was an update.
If someone knows why this isn't happening and how to post so that the emails go out to subscribers that would be very helpful especially when there is something urgent.  I want people to get the updates without having to log into the website because it is not realistic to think people are going to check the website daily.

Thank you,

Maria Lindberg

Cristalina Updates by email and Mark Combs information

If you want to get the emails of what is posted on this site make sure you click follow.  It should email you each time something new is posted.  I apologize I thought everyone had Mark's information we sent it out several times. Water Operator for Cristalina:  Mark Combs 425-413-5954.

I know everyone does a great job informing each other there so for those who are not following the announcements you can pass this along.

I only post stuff that is important so I really suggest everyone follow the website announcements.

I am sorry for the boil water issue.  We have chlorinated the well and are hoping that will take care of the issue.  More test are being done on Tuesday and Thursday.  I will update the results here as soon as I get them.

Thank you,

Maria Lindberg

Saturday, September 28, 2013


You need to boil water until further notice.  If you have any questions please contact water operator Mark Combs. His number is (425) 413-5954

Monday, September 9, 2013

September Bills will be in the mail tomorrow.

I know there has been some problem with billing the last few months. All payments that I received by 9/6/13 have been posted.  The meter reading for September was done on 9/7/2013.  Meter readings are always done before the 9th of the month.  Even if the bill was not on time the last few months the meter readings were done in a timely fashion.

Anyone that is over 90 days late on their bill and have not made payment arrangements with me should be expecting a disconnection notice soon.

I have also put in personal Thank you's to all of you who have faithfully paid your bills on time.

Thank you,

Maria Lindberg, Manager Cristalina

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Cristalina Internal Audit in Progress.

Thank you to all of you that let me know what was going on with the Cristalina Billing.  The prior bookkeeper had been doing it for several years and told me that everything was running smoothly and that she had been doing her job of billing and posting monthly.  It was discovered that was not the case.  I have only found out a few weeks ago about the situation.  I have taken immediate action. Stephanie Opsteeph Norris no longer represents Cristalina in any way.  I am taking this very seriously and there is going to be legal action.

We are reviewing every deposit and bank statement since her hire.  Your last months meter readings will be hand written on your bill as many of you have requested this information. This months meter reading will be posted on the bill.  There will be a review to make sure that you have received all of your bills and that your accounts have been properly credited with your payment.

The meter reader reported back that many of you are concerned about the water company yesterday.  I understand, and as manager I wanted to let you kmow I am working on the situation.  I have personally been working every day for 8 to 12 hours a day for the past 9 days on organizing the system.  I have also brought in help as I am not a bookkeeper in any way.

This months bill should be in the mail by Tuesday.  The meters were read on Saturday. I will post a confirmation when the mailing went out.  I will also be contacting many of you.  I want to thank you all for your support in this very trying situation.

Maria Lindberg, Manager.